At Lenard we have started the energy transition a long time ago.
Thanks to the guidance of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda, we advance every day from a classic industrial production model, to a sustainable and circular model.
Sustainabilty Report
With the purpose of developing a sustainable activity that contributes to the achievement of the SDGs, we have started a process of internal reflection to evaluate in which parts of our production process we are more sustainable and where we have room for improvement.
As a result of this process, we have prepared a sustainability report referring to the GRI* general basic contents (102) and the GRI thematic contents (200,300 and 400).
The report has been structured taking into account the new Law 11/2018 on non-financial information and diversity, despite the fact that due to the size of our organization this regulation does not currently apply to us.
Although Lenard is not subject to any obligation to verify the sustainability report, given our commitment to transparency we have decided to undergo a voluntary verification audit. Control Unión has been the external company selected to carry out the verification of the information contained in the report.
The main material issues for the sustainable performance of our organization are reflected in the report, and the main SDGs are identified as priorities. We have identified them in the materiality matrix as having a high strategic impact and relevance.
We are sure that with the work of the entire value chain and the innovation that is being developed, we will be able to make a great progress in reducing environmental impact in the coming years
We make available to you our complete sustainability report, you just have to request it by email (, postal mail (LENARD BCN, SL, Avda. Aragón, 37, 22520 Fraga-Huesca) or through our sales department.
You can also download a copy of our sustainability certificate:

We want to make visible our organization’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in the work environment, both inside and outside the company.
- Because LENARD BCN, S.L. is committed to spreading a message in favor of equality and diversity and against discrimination within the company, and in general with all who want to be part of a broader European movement and work for peace and prosperity by creating synergy with other organizations on our continent.
You can download a copy of our diversity charter:

The objective of this protocol is to reiterate the commitment of LENARD BCN, S.L. with compliance with the rules and the development of ethical behavior in its business activities, in accordance with the principles contained in the Code of Ethics and Conduct, which does not tolerate abuse of authority and any type of harassment, whether physical, psychological or moral, as well as any other conduct that may create an intimidating, offensive or hostile work environment for people at LENARD BCN, S.L.
At Lenard BCN, SL, we manufacture protection. We are 100% involved in the objectives of our clients, becoming not only their supplier, but also their best partner in labor protection.
All the activities of Lenard BCN, SL are focused on all our collaborators and clients, where they expect integrity and professional conduct at all times. The objective of Lenard BCN, SL is to establish a culture with all our commercial partners, emphasizing sustainability, a clear and transparent dialogue and, above all, reliability.
The implementation of this Code of Conduct as Suppliers is of the utmost importance to us.